Take That Business Man

Into the fray with you boy.


I am a Lazy Bastard

It's True.
I can't seem to get my ass out of bed.
For the past two months it seems that I have to hit the snooze button for 2-3 hours.
Today, for example, I needed to go to a chamber meeting at 10 am. 10 AM...and I couldn't seem to make it out of the bed. Now, I was awake at 8 but the pull of the soft covers and the warm bed makes me do irrational things. Or better yet I rationalize staying in bed. This is becoming a problem.
I can always get up if I have made a n appointment that has to be kept. But barring the loss of money (not potential money mind you) I can't get up.
Any tricks or helpful hints are appreciated.
And Needed.

Pistolero has 2 shows coming up in the next week or so.Lenny's Wed Feb the 8th.
2: We are playing a house party at 569 Gresham Sat Feb 11th.
$10 all you can drink art party,
this thing draws a ton of people everytime
and is mucho funo


At 8:29 PM, Blogger rp said...

pay a homeless guy to sodomize you at whatever time you have to get up. if a naked, homeless, aids-penis doesn't get you out of bed, then you deserve to die of the gay cancer.

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, seriously man, take the fuckin' carpet off your fuckin window and stop acting like a freakin vampire. i don't care if you "like it this way," It's not right unless your dead. You'd be surprised what a little sunshine in the morning can do for you. It'll cure that cigarette hangover and give you the rise and shine attitude that you lost when you were 8. Anyway. Im on a gig for this band called the Secret Machines. We're doin a video in Bklyn Monday. Secret Machine....thats what the girls called me in high school

At 11:38 AM, Blogger maryk said...

Like ablebody told rp about his lack of sleep, I'll say the same thing for your can't get out of bed problem. Exercise. Though you may already exercise, I don't know, but a little goes a long way, more is better, but a little just helps you out in immeasureable ways. And gets easier. Now, to take my own medicine....


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