My Job
My work takes me all over the place and this is a big reason that I got into camera work. I get to see things that many of my friends don't even know exsist (and neither do I until I get sent to film them). This weekend I went to a race in North Texas called The Last Man Standing. The were not joking in the name of the race. Out of the 147 guys who started 2 finished. That's right TWO!
The track was 44 miles long thru creeks and up hills and over walls. The finish line was right after a 8 foot high shear wall. Meaning the rider had to get his bike up and over a flat wall that was taller than he was staning up on his bike. The guy, David Knight, who won made everything look easy, breezing up walls and over rocks. He finished over and hour and a half ahead of the 2nd place guy. Here is some video I shot to let yo see what it was like.
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