Hold me close Tiny Dancer
This is a screen shot from the latest spot that I have been working on. It's a commercial for a jewelry store in McDonough. I started making spots for this company about 6 years when I was employed by William Barber. When I left that job, they came with me to the next production house, and then the next and finally to Studio 5. I don't make a ton of money from them (about half of what I normally make) but they hired me when I was first getting started and they're good people, so I keep doing the work for them.
This spot features 3 animated 'workman'. In the pic you can see them carrying gold and diamonds, this has led to an INVENTORY CRISIS (it's still a commercial no matter how much I like to think it's art). Thsi is just the open. There's spinning stars with text inside such as, Up to 75% off and Everything must go. As well as really hokey page turns.
Stop.....Go Back and Click that Last Link.
No really...You Must.
Good...You May Proceed.
The animations are very Aqua Teen/Sealab. That's because we did the spot on After Effects. Mike Mikalski drew the guys and did almost all of the animation, I just came up with the idea and did a little tweaking. I don't think that many people will see this commercial as it will only air in Henry County, but if your really interested I can arrange a private viewing with our tiny dancers.
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