Take That Business Man

Into the fray with you boy.


Definitive Proof

Last week I did a smoking study for an aquatence of mind.
The goal was to show the difference in the smokers brain when they were craving a smoke and after their craving had been satisfied.
I couldn't smoke for 6 hours before the study.
So, you go in craving a ciggarette, they stick you in a MRI machine and show you pics of people smoking. The machine take images of the brain activity. Then you answer questions about the nature of your craving, More imaging. Then out you come from the machine, have a smoke and repeat the proceedure.
It was a rather fun experience for me, I felt like I was in the future.
There was a guy who ran the machine named Reggie or Wayne or DeWayne Wayne... regardless. He was not nearly as impressed with my brain image as I was and I guess that once you've seen one brain you've seen them all.


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