Take That Business Man

Into the fray with you boy.


Sneak a Peek pt 2

This lovely pic will adorn the back of the cover booklet.
Word MO FO

As a side note did anyone else watch "The Elegant Universe" on Nova last night.
Awesome is all I can say.
String theory and Einstein and Quantum physics.
The host, Brian Greene, was pretty good too, kept everything in laymen's terms.
Beyond just the science, the show looked really good, specifically the backgrounds on the interviews. Worth a watch if you see it coming on.


At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super string theory, it's the bomb
(circa 2003!)
I have the 3 part series on DVD if you'd like to borrow it for re-watching.

At 5:22 PM, Blogger maryk said...

I've been trying to get through one of Brian Greene's books for a while now. It's interesting, it's just dense. As am i...apparently.


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