Take That Business Man

Into the fray with you boy.


Mr Smith goed to Cyberspace.

I met Smith a few years ago. We worked at the same company for almost a year and didn't really get to know one another. I was on the road busy killing animals for televison content (it was a good experience but I would not like to do it again) while he was in a seperate part of the company. Then we drove to Troy, Ohio. Up Saurday morning, drive to Ohio, shoot all day Sunday, drive home that night. A lot of exposure to one another, for you see it was just me and him. We hit it off and had a great time and found that although we didn't have in commmon (Smith was salutadorian {sp?} and finished college in 3 years where as I dropped out of high school {hence the spelling} ) we were bound to be good friends.That's Smith on the left interviewing a professional motorcycle rider. In a kitchen. Those were the days.
He has now started his own blog/photo essay with his lady Martha.
Show Me the Rule Book.
That's what this is all about.
Read his about his public transit experiement. HERE!
Check back on Mr. Smith from time to time and see what's happening in his life.
That's what blogs are about anyway, voyerism.


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