Take That Business Man

Into the fray with you boy.


Studio Tan

So We/I've been in the studio, not mine someone else's, for the past 2 weeks mixing all the songs for Pistolero's debut album. Let me tell you, that whereas I once loved these songs I have now grown to loath them. For anyone who has not gone thru this process allow me to explain.
First you listen to the song, then you listen to just the drums, make adjustments, listen to the song, listen to the drums, listen to just the acoustic guitar, then the whole song again.
And on to infinity or until all tracks have been listened to.
This is an exhausting process and it has to be done for all 10 songs on the album.
Ever hear of ear fatigue.
Well I got it.
That said I have posted 2 of the new songs on to our My Space site.
Catch Me across the Wind
This means War.
We've decided to put out the album under a creative commons copyright that allows other folks to use, alter or enhance the songs without commercial gain and suffiecient credit given. The share music copyright. Let the kids download to their hearts content.
You can always go buy the EP , 'There goes the Neighborhood', if you just must have some Pistolero for your home right now. Or you can pull it off the net...we're out there somewhere.

Also an early reminder of our CD release show, July 14th at Lenny's (the new Lenny's).
Be there or my ears will hunt you down.


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