7 Seconds Of Love
I keep stumbleing to this site...
It makes me laugh everytime.
Today, I had not much to do, so I decided to delve into the guy Joel Veitch who's name was attached to the aforementioned site. He makes these kinds of videos for his band as well. The band is kind of a Ska/Calypso mix and I love it. After further investagation (I watched about 10 of the videos) I found one that reminded me of an ad campagn that I really liked. Now I now where that commercial came from. Picture this...
Interior 57th floor of an office building:
We fade in on a shot of an ad exec, he is at his desk, large windows frame him from behind, it's a corner office. He is visibly aggitated and worried. Our ad exec is surfing the web rapidly clicking the mouse, frustrated because nothing is WOWING him. He is trying to keep his mind off a big deadline for a major Sub comapny. He clicks the mouse again and hears an off kilter song about the moon, it's the work of Mr. Joel Veitch. An idea grows in his mind..... PRESTO!!!.....Ad Campaign.
His site is well worth a click through and his site is powered by Blogger, patron saint of klling time.
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