Take That Business Man

Into the fray with you boy.


Henry #2


New Hobby

Scooter redux

Just recovered some of the pics from the pig roast thouoght I'd share some here with you folks. This on is me about 6 am on the morning of Scooters cooking.

This one here is of me and Rob cutting the back legs off the pig to ensure that the hams got fully cooked. NO riki-trickinosis at my house.

Our cat thought that the whole event was a little strange, this is where he was most of the day.


My Movie


Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

Everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't I?



It's been quite a month for me here at the office.
Normally a quiet month
A time for reflection and gathering up receipts for Uncle Sam's cut.
Not to be this year.
Project after project has come and and people keep calling.
I even had a guy that I pitched over 2 years ago call me and say he was ready to do his spot.
I am not complaining...no... no complaining here.
Just Busy!
So I've decided to sum up the month to date here in one big splash.

So far this month I have had done some exciting things :
1) I met Des I, he's a Jamaican rapper that apparently is quite the star in his home country of...You guessed it Jamaica. He told me that anytime I was in JAI maca to give him a call and he'd show me the real JAI MAAAACAA. I did a re-edit of his video for his record label (they're based in Lithonia?!?) It was strange, I know that where he comes from he is famous, but no one here even knows he exists. He was a very nice man though and seemed not at all caught up in his fame.
2) We (Pistolero) got our EP on the web finally. It's at CD Baby. Please feel free to go have a listen, quit your job, sell your house, 'donate' all of your cash to us and then follow us around as a devoted fan.
3) My brother, Chris, after years of working for free and sweating about every election he's worked on, finally got a job in politics. He will be the legislative aid to Steve Davis, a rep from Henry County. Many of you who know Chris know that there is no one more suited for politics, although his ideas are a little scary. It's good news none the less.
4) Very Special Episode. GO see it. I did. You will not regret it. Dad's Garage on Thursdays
5) I'm still alive and that's enough for me ...Today anyway.

So that's the roundup for the month of December
Happy Days to all and to all a cold beer.