Take That Business Man

Into the fray with you boy.


Home Invasion

On My last post I got 5 Comments.
"My god someone is reading this...well I guess that is the point."
It turns out that they were from advertisers/spammers

Your blog is great If you own a home, I'm sure you'd be interested in Landscape Lighting Stop by and visit Landscape Lighting
Example #2:
You have a great blog here. I don't maintain a good blog, but I do run a
home furnishings site. It highlights quality home furnishings, apparel and gift sites. Stop by when you have a chance.

What the fuck is that shit. Does anyone know any way to get sneaky and destroy these jerks lives.
Any suggestions are appreciated.


Be Gone Old Friend

I have to end a friendship. I have been nurturing this relationship for about 6 years and the time has come to make a break.
It is with my gut.

Today I weigh 180lbs.
I am endeavoring to lose 15 pounds in a month.
I believe that this is possible.

Step #1: Gym Membership:
I have this already because my girlfriend bought me one, a not so subtle hint.

Step #2: Three meals a day:
I'm really bad at this because most days I won't eat when I first wake up. Then I forget about eating and won't eat till 4 pm, causing me to be very hungry again at midnight at which time I order Pizza or Chinese food and fall fast asleep. (DAMN YOU CHOPSTIX)

Step #3: Beer:
As many of you know Beer is one of my oldest and dearest friends (notice that I capitalized the name) and will be the most difficult challenge of this project. I have to eliminate beer from my diet and will do so by not drinking beer during the work week. Beer is okay on Saturday and Sunday and for Falcons Games. I wanted to have all the beer out of my house by today but at last count I had around 36 12 oz cans in the fridge. Any help?

Step #4: Healthy Eating:
No more fried foods, No more bowls of mac and cheese for a meal, No more eating like a Roman noble (gluttony).
Light breakfast (can't do more because eating in the morning makes me ill) most any thing I want for lunch and a sensible dinner. I feel like Tommy Lasorda.

I think that my goal is a reasonable one and I like a challenge. I am going to post shots of my gut throughout the process, if I ever get the camera working. If any one has any good recipes that they want to contribute please feel free.

I just read over what I have written and I miss beer already.

Speaking of which, I read DRY over the weekend. It's by Augusten Burrouhgs. His second book, all about rehab and the 'drying' out process. I read it in about 6 hours. Good Book.


7 Seconds Of Love

I keep stumbleing to this site...
It makes me laugh everytime.
Today, I had not much to do, so I decided to delve into the guy Joel Veitch who's name was attached to the aforementioned site. He makes these kinds of videos for his band as well. The band is kind of a Ska/Calypso mix and I love it. After further investagation (I watched about 10 of the videos) I found one that reminded me of an ad campagn that I really liked. Now I now where that commercial came from. Picture this...

Interior 57th floor of an office building:
We fade in on a shot of an ad exec, he is at his desk, large windows frame him from behind, it's a corner office. He is visibly aggitated and worried. Our ad exec is surfing the web rapidly clicking the mouse, frustrated because nothing is WOWING him. He is trying to keep his mind off a big deadline for a major Sub comapny. He clicks the mouse again and hears an off kilter song about the moon, it's the work of Mr. Joel Veitch. An idea grows in his mind..... PRESTO!!!.....Ad Campaign.

His site is well worth a click through and his site is powered by Blogger, patron saint of klling time.
My Favorites are:


Damnit !!!

I am not going to France.
Again I am not going to France.
I will not be enjoying the beautiful countryside.
I will not be meeting strange new people from exciting cultures.
I will not be tasting fresh vegetables over a bottle of French wine.
I will not be driving around the Arc de Triumph in mortal fear for my life.
and I will not be getting paid to do these things.

But for proof that the Lord taketh and the Lord giveth....

Ten minutes after I got the cancellation call (lack of interest from the fanciers) I received a call from a guy who has 26 college basketball pregame shows that he needs edited. The work would start October 3rd and last thru November 18th. That's a lot of work. Let's hope that I don't get a cancellation call on this one.

As a side note , here is my friend Rod. Enjoy.

Feel Free to have any photoshop fun you like with this pic


Back in the Saddle (for the time being)

I wanted to post a pic from the latest spot that we have completed here at the shop. Office.
(that confuses people sometimes, calling the lab a shop. Or a lab for that matter, they think I am a mechanic ..Or a scientist).
I managed to get an old client back the other day, which is good. He also happens to run about 6 spots a month, which is very good. He is the type of client that I need 5 of, consistent projects and a fast pay.
I hadn't lost him because of bad manners or lousy manners, but because he was choosing his production house based solely on a price point. Bad Idea. In our meeting the other day he showed me his latest spots.
He said ..."I gave some of the spots that you did for me and told them to do something like it. Well this is what I got out of it." The spots were like bad cover songs of the work I did for him. I don't claim to be the greatest at what I do, but I do know how to compose a picture and what I was viewing was not a picture but the warmed over abortion of A...
Fuck it, you know what I mean. Here is a still. Gas monster by Mike Mikalski

Times have been very hard here at Studio 5 for the last 2-3 months. The work hasn't rained down out of the sky like it did earlier this year. I know that all businesses have low points and high points. The ebb and flow of the markets as they say. This low tide nearly shut me down. It is a very special thing to live like this. It is very stressful and I worry more than can be healthy. Knowing how close to end of your figurative rope can be exciting and troubling as well as liberating. Some days you bound out of bed bright and early ready to conquer the world and others you the sun is an enemy to be scorned and railed against. The feeling you get when you know that there is no one else that can make the business work. The sense of being David with a giant out to stomp you. It fills you with a sense of accomplishment when you begin to win again that I have never experienced in any other endeavor. This is what is good about life, overcoming whatever is in your path. Being able to say, I do what I want to do. And then life is good.

I am not out of the woods by any stretch of the imagination, but work is beginning to pick back up and the holidays are always a good time for advertising.
Also , Karen finished my website. Check it out.

I'm going to try to post from France, so maybe you'll see a pic or two.


na na naa

So it's been some time since I posted here...on my site...the site that's mine.
There really just hasn't been any thing to say.