Take That Business Man

Into the fray with you boy.



I had a client come in to the office today. He is an evangelical Christian who has made his living for the past 30 odd years teaching kids about the life of Jesus with a dummy. A Howdy Doody dummy not the marriage of Jesus and a dummy. He wanted some video converted to DVD for sale or giveaway at his sermons. I'll pause here to let you know this is not a Christian bashing post, the man was quite nice and made no attempt to convert me.
He had three video/sermons that he wanted converted, each bearing a specific title.
Now the name of his dummy is Homer. And the name of the first video that I started on was "Homer Sez...Come to Jesus".
Now it is a common thing to shorten the names of DVDs so that when you load them into you computer the title doesn't take up 6 lines underneath the icon. My choice for this abbreviation was "Homer Sez".
Look down at your keyboard and see what letter is right next to Z. That's right it's an X. So being busy and absentminded as I am prone to be, I mistyped the name. The whole process goes thru and I'm about to start dubbing 100 of the aforementioned DVD, when I decide to check the DVD for quality assurance.

The icon pops up....
and yes...
...It says "Homer Sex DVD".
The ideas began to billow around my mind of a family of good, wholesome christains settling down to watch a night of the good word (via a dummy's mouth)...
The icon pops up on the laptop (they have no TV: aka Satan's Box)
Little Timmy crying...
Mommy rushing to cover the baby's eyes , lest she be now with sin
Daddy yelling about the decline of morals in the church then leaving to be alone in his study.
I saw all of this then pulled the DVD out of the computer and broke it over my knee.

It's just business.

Why did I decide to check the DVD though. I don't normally do that.
Providence or just dumb luck.
Truthfully, I don't care.

Vanity Vanity all this Vanity

Rp sent me a note the other day mentioning that he'd found a guy that we both went to jr. high with on My Space.
Billy Rackley.
Big and scary and way into metal. He had a goatee in 7th grade (I think he'd been left behind a few years). So this got me to looking for other long lost freaks and friends. After a while this became tiresome and I resorted to what every other web weary searcher does in this instance.
I googled myself.
I had done this before and there is a man named Michael Perkins who provides free moving tips
I found this very humorous and exciting that there is a Michael Perkins who is an expert at moving. Good on you Mike.

However this time I was more inclined to find myself. I have a few things with my name on it out there, so I figured one of them might pop up. To no avail.
The closest I got was Michael J Perkins Elementary School.
*our actor does a double take in disbelief*
Holy Shit, they named a school after me already.
This school is located in South Boston, Mass.
It has to be located somewhere, right?
My father grew up in South Boston , VA.
Freaky HUH!?!
At the right you can see what the school looks like.
Wheels and All that BOOOYYEEE.

As a side note there is also a Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston. Anne Sullivan, she taught Helen Keller, was trained there.


The Rod can Take Pic-Tures

I wantd to put these pics in a seperate post because they are so good. Rod Fiore is a friend, roadie and the band photog.

And he dresses up for the shows.

It's amazing that he can even hold a camera with that mangled hand.

2 shows 2 nights 2 little

We played Lenny's Bar on Memorial this past wednesday.
Good fun save the fact that we were pulled after 4 songs.
Apparently their was a band (a boy and girl) that had driven a long way to play and they deserved more time than us.
So we got puled halfway thru the set.

Here is some visual evidence

We also played this past Saturday at 569 Gresham...a house party.
This show was great. We played in the basement on the same level as the crowd. It takes me back to my punk rock days.
The crowd enjoyed the show and we even had girls dancing, a first for this band. We were allowed to play our full set plus a few more and the beer was free (and Pabst). We ended up giving away all of our t shirts and most of the EPs that we had brought with us. Here is more visual evidence.
As you can see in the crowd photo the ductwork hung so low that you had to duck to keep from hitting your head. The floor was made of plywood over a dirt floor. If you jumped around the amps would fall. Alas we had to refrain ffrom our normal stage antics, but the beer was free,
For anyone who didn't make it to this show, and that's most of you, a pox on your house until you witness the old fi sounds that are Pistolero.

We're playing the Earl March 9th (hint hint).

As for work, I'm about to start a spot for an air charter service and flight school.
I'll be flying iin a little bitty paln to get the arial shot ...exciting.


Paige this is the world

World this is Paige...
and her mom, Shelly

These 2 are forigners and are not to be trusted with things like baseball, apple pie, or mothers.


I am a Lazy Bastard

It's True.
I can't seem to get my ass out of bed.
For the past two months it seems that I have to hit the snooze button for 2-3 hours.
Today, for example, I needed to go to a chamber meeting at 10 am. 10 AM...and I couldn't seem to make it out of the bed. Now, I was awake at 8 but the pull of the soft covers and the warm bed makes me do irrational things. Or better yet I rationalize staying in bed. This is becoming a problem.
I can always get up if I have made a n appointment that has to be kept. But barring the loss of money (not potential money mind you) I can't get up.
Any tricks or helpful hints are appreciated.
And Needed.

Pistolero has 2 shows coming up in the next week or so.Lenny's Wed Feb the 8th.
2: We are playing a house party at 569 Gresham Sat Feb 11th.
$10 all you can drink art party,
this thing draws a ton of people everytime
and is mucho funo