Take That Business Man

Into the fray with you boy.


Strange seeing you here.

As some of you may or may not know...
I was once in a punk rock band called (aptly enough) Fashion Disaster.
We had lots of fun and drank loads of SoCo.
We used to put on these shows at the community center in Stockbridge.
(We lived there, they had to let us.)
We played with lots of diferent bands during that time.
We even help raise money for a dying kid whose photo we found in the center.
They had apparently had a fundraiser the week before for him and we thought it would be a nice thing to do for the guy.
One of the bands that we shared shows with there was called Style Over Substance.
They were nice boys. Meaning that they did not get drunk and try to start fights with anyone.
As it turns one of the guys from the band, Jason Pye, was just elected to chairman of the Georgia Libertarian Party.
Turns out he's being heavily involved for some years now and has finally accended to the top.
His blog is great if you want to know what's up in state government with an emphasis on Henry County. JasonPye.com
Heres a pic
Jason, I ripped this off your site, hope you don't mind.

Just goes to show not everyone in the political arena is a compleate douch


Bugger to you Havens

This is the title to the next big summer hit this summer. Meaning that the theaters will overflow with people this summer for the latest summer blockbuster this coming summer. Summer 2006. Soon that is to say.


Return of the GAS MONSTER

Did this campaign last year when gas prices got real high (see-$2.66).
Since oil has gone up so dramiticly here as of late it was time to bring back the Gas Monster.
Met with the client on this past Wednesday, he wanted delivery by Friday.
Explained that the sky was blue in my world, delayed delivery till today.
Now I'm just waiting for approval....and waiting...and waiting.

Mike Mikalski did the original drawing and animation.
Thanks Mike.


File under Tuesday

Let's see...
Paid the tax man on Monday...
Singer went to jail on Friday...
Banker won't return calls pertaining to the home loan...
Lady friend wants to get her eyes cut on...
Record company that won't pay their bill...
Bussiness mortgage is overdue...
No clean underware...
Mac is making strange/LOUD noises...
Too cold for AC...Too hot for heater...
Gas coming up on $3 a gallon...
Non Profit is on hold...
And the cat has taken to random vomiting around the house...

Ladies and Gentleman, I thank god for everyday that I'm alive.


Mike Perkins, Damn glad to meet you.