Take That Business Man

Into the fray with you boy.


Cut and Paster Democrazy

Save the $2 PBR
Let Shirly Girl know you love your dive bars.

Dear Mayor Franklin,

I know you are very busy; I appreciate all you have done for our city. I am a friend of the small music venue called Lennys Bar. Right now, they are unable to open until you sign their liquor license. Lenny's hosts many new and upcoming bands, and many bands have been affected by the closing of the bar. Please sign the Liquor License for Lenny's Bar at
486 Decatur St., Atlanta, GA.


Whoa...Damn...That's messed up!!

Wal-Mart...helping America one asshole at a time.


Liberty you say?


Low taxes, few laws limiting personal freedom, and a port for trade.
Just need to figure out that snow thing.


Passengers in row 14-18...Prepare your stool samples for collection.

"We can recognize patterns for people with hostile agendas based on research with Palestinians, Israelis, Americans and other nationalities in Israel," Mr. Shoval says. "We haven't tried it with Chinese or Iraqis yet."
This is just down right scary. Makes me want to fly the 'friendly' skies.
A a side note, I met the CEO of Delta last Friday. He was a pretty nice guy and even laughed at the joke I made. Wonder what he thinks about this.


So now she's Gone?

...And what do I have to do now?
For the longest time I have been in the anti Cynthia camp. I have mocked her on signs, in this blog and to strangers on the street. I even had a nice conversation with a DNC organizer who happened to get assigned my neighborhood. But now she's out of office. And do you think Hank Johnson will be nearly as fun to criticize? A big fat NO. It doesn't even seem like she's going to dispute the election, I figured this for a given if she lost. Nope, it's all gone Pete Tong.
In case any of you missed her singing election night...here it is.
And as she goes out the door Cynthia has left us with a warning, akin to Eisenhower's farewell speech when he left office. That electronic voting machines are bad for America, people can have their votes just spirited away with the click of a button. At least when we had paper ballots they were harder to get rid of and more chance that you'd get caught trying to do it. I don't care who the candidate is, if they get the most votes they should win. See where ignoreing this has gotten us so far.
More info on Georgia voting machines HERE

As a side note, this girl took pictures of herself everyday for 3 years and made them into a video montage.


The Rise and Fall of HOOFY

Finally got some of the pics back from the lamb roast. This is what Hoofy looked like before we cooked him.

It was tiring work keeping the fires going and basteing the lamb but grill team was on the job.

And after all day of slowly cooking, Hoofy was ready to be enjoyed by all.


Sing forth for thou God's Love

This Thursday the Gunfighters are back at The Earl in East Atlanta. We're going to have a film crew there. See, we are going to be featured on a music video show on MAV TV. That's why we need all the litle children to come out and have a grand ole time. So if you missed the CD release, you know who you are, then you should be there. We will kill the cat.
10:30 PM Thursday the 10th The Earl


A Day at the Beach

you go in the cage, cage go in the water, sharks in the water...


Allow him to retort

Good Buddy RP had a nice retort to my latest McKinny rant
Here it is...
It's funny how those candidates kept misspelling all those words, even though they were just saying them, not writing them.

All jokes aside, is the problem with Cynthia McKinney that she's outspoken and African-American? I mean, is she even in your district? I look at it this way: If she can punch a cop in the face and still make her opponent force her into a runoff, well then, she's doing something right.

I also look at it this way: She was the very first politician to come out after 9/11 and start calling bullshit, not only on the Bush administration, but on everybody who blindly followed the party line. Personally, I want my politicians to be trouble-makers. But if you want some boring-ass sewer-manager or whatever who took money from Republicans, then I guess that's your prerogative.

His comments made me look into what I really want out of a politician. And that is nothing. I've always said that I want a person who will go to congress and pass no new laws, vote no on everything save tax cuts and push for the elimination of government programs. To basically put the brakes on the runaway train that is our federal government.
So by this rational...I should love Cynthia.
But I think he missed my point. She has no platform, no direction or plan that she has touted to improve her district. She's running her campaign based solely on Hank Johnson's negatives. The same can be said for Mr Johnson, his campaign slogan has basically been..
"Hank Johnson, not Cynthia McKinny".
I guess that I need to clarify what I meant in the last post.
They are both concentrating on the politics of personal destruction. Shame on both of them. It's just that I expect more out of an incumbent candidate who has served 10+ years in congress.
I am not endorsing either candidate, neither is a viable option.
It is a sad time in America when our politicians can't say what good they want to do for our country, only what a bad person their opponent is.

As a reminder everyone needs to remember to register to vote. You need to do it now so that you can vote in the upcoming fall election. This link will get you the form to fill out and the address to send it to.

(As for why McKinny never gets and E, she stole my sign, I steal her E)


For the 4th Ward

For those of you in the 4th district...I hope you watched the Democrat Primary Runoff Debate last night on GPTV. If not here is a link and a brief Synopsis

Cynthia McKinny - My oponent took money from republicans!!!
Hank Johnson - I have accepted money from any one of my constituents, even if their ideals don't match exactly with mine. I'm trying to build consensus thru openly engaging with both sides of the aisle.
CM - My oponent took money from republicans!!!
HJ - I will work hard to see that the No Child Left behind strict standards are adjusted so that schools and whole school systems aren't left behind.
CM -My oponent took money from republicans!!!
HJ - Congresswoman McKinny has introduce over 85 bill into legislation and only one has been passed in her 12 years in office, one to rename a post office
CM - My oponent took money from republicans!!!
HJ - Her own party will not return her seniority to her after being reelected.
CM - I'm giving you the voter a voice in Washington and he took money from republicans!!!!
and there on for the duration of the 30 minutes.

Whereas I don't particularly like the robot now know as Hank Johnson, he in no way can do as sorry a job as McKinnysaurus has done. Here is an update from Jason on the McKinny Claim that she was voted the highest ranking Dem from Georgia.

McKinney claims that she has the highest rated legislative success record of any Democrat in the Georgia delegation on Congress.org. I can't find the particular article that she is referring to.

However, according to the power rankings for the Georgia delegation by the same website she is ranked next to last, above Congressman John Barrow. Her ranking puts her at 408 out of 435 members of Congress.

From Jasonpye.com