Take That Business Man

Into the fray with you boy.


30 day Later

Well the diet has run its 30 day course.....
Drum roll please.
I now officially weigh in at 178lbs.
that's right folks I lost 2 lbs in 30 days.
I personally feel that this venture has been a success. I mean it motivated me to go out to the gym and start working out, I am now more aware of what I eat and can almost stomach breakfast now, and it curbed my drinking ( just a little bit). I don't mind that I missed my goal of 15 lbs in fact it has just reinforced what I have been thinking....
There, with that said, let's get back to pizza at midnight and Pabst at 10 am. Praise the Lord.

Also, I designed this cover for Pistolero.

This cover will be created by cutting out the white spaces on a black vinyl sticker and placing them on a white cardboard sleeve. Negative space, or so I'm told. Will from Zoroaster is making the stickers for us. We are going to have a 4 song live EP here in the next few weeks as well as the website up and running. We decided to take a break, well actually Tom and his wife had a baby 4 days ago so that helped us to take a break, and work on a new full length as well as some other merchandise.
Stickers, T shirts, 2 Eps and a full length by December 25th, wish us luck.


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